Maria Del Rosario Dávalos Gamboa
University of San Simón, Bolivia
Title: Different types of cancer: Effect of socioeconomic status, food and physical activity in cancer children and adolescents in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Biography: Maria Del Rosario Dávalos Gamboa
Introduction: In Bolivia there is no research to identify the effect of socioeconomic status, diet and physical activity in cancer in children and adolescents.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the predominant types of cancer in children and adolescents attending the Children's Hospital Manuel Ascencio Villarroel in Cochabamba (Bolivia) and the effect it had on these socioeconomic status, diet and physical activity.
Methods: Cross sectional study conducted in January 2016 in children and adolescents with cancer (n=36) between zero and 16 years old who attend the Hospital Manuel Ascencio Villarroel child of Cochabamba (Bolivia), involving 21 male and 15 female. Parents or guardians of the participants were surveyed. It has been made a descriptive and explanatory analysis.
Results: The prevalent cancer in this population was leukemia. In a proportion of 72.22%, cancerous tumors in various parts of the body were 11.11% and other cancers were 16.7%. In the socioeconomic status of the parents, lived in urban areas 66.66%, 50% lived in a rented house, 66.6% had a house built of brick and 52.77% lived in two rooms of 47.22 parents had secondary school and 36.11% of primary school. In the type of feeding natural products before the diagnosis of cancer, 41.66% used to eat natural carbohydrates, 61.11% natural protein, natural fats 61.11%, 63.88% natural fruit, 55.55% natural fiber, drank plenty of water 27.77%. The type of food not suitable before diagnosis of cancer, ate deli meats 33.33%, 75% drank carbonated soft drinks, 83.3% ate junk food sugar and refined flour and 77.77% ate junk food. No statistical significant differences in physical activity were detected.
Conclusions: This study identified that leukemia is the prevalent type of cancer in children and adolescents who regularly attend child Hospital Manuel Ascencio Villarroel in Cochabamba. That most children and adolescents with cancer live in urban areas and are economically disadvantaged. The feeding they received before the cancer diagnosis was a varied diet based on natural products and not suitable that facilitate the development of cancer and almost all the children and teens commonly consumed soft drinks, refined sugar, refined flour and junk food products; Foods that are related to the origin of cancer.